Happy New Year! The Journey Continues!
Welcome to 2019! We hope and pray that this year brings to fruition blessings overflowing and exceeding any expectations you may have.
“Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country, Deuteronomy 28:3 NKJV”
We are very excited about a fresh new year! The Fabric Beautique® experienced some exciting changes in 2018:
· Updated and refreshed and user friendly website
· Prayer Scarves that are scriptural based : Link for Prayer Scarves
· Updated and new Adult Prayer Journal Kits : Link for Prayer Journal Kits
· New Children’s Prayer Journal carrying case: Link for Children’s Nook
Thank you to those who have supported us by either purchasing items from us or just spreading the word about The Fabric Beautique®. Either way we greatly appreciate it. Looking ahead to 2019 we have some even more we are excited about. As you know the mission of The Fabric Beautique® is “Ministry Starts In the Home”. Therefore, we would like to expand on our handmade gift giving ideas that continue to support and encourage spiritual growth within the home and outside the home. Therefore, in 2019 we are expanding our product line even more.
Many have asked and or requested if we would consider selling products that can be geared towards the men in our lives (ie.husbands, fathers, role model). So we heard you loud and clear, we have the following products planned for 2019:
· Men’s Bible Carrier
· Men’s Tablet Carrier (for those that don’t carry a bible but carry their tablet)
· Mugs
We have some other ideas as well, but you will have to stay tuned for what’s to come. In addition, we are expanding our product line for women and children to include:
· Women’s Bible Carrier
· Women’s Tablet Carrier (for those that don’t carry a bible but carry their tablet)
· Women’s scripture based clutches
· Mugs
These items are now all in the testing stages, as these are custom handmade items, so we’ll keep our audience posted with updates. Bonus: these will all be customizable. If you want to know the behind the scenes be sure you join our Facebook Group to stay in the know (The Fabric Beautique FB Group).
In addition, starting TODAY on our Instagram IGTV, we will be launching our monthly ‘Wives Still Pray’ series featuring the ‘7 Essential Prayers for Your Husband and Family’. Each month on the 2nd Wednesday we will highlight a new prayer, then take it to our Wives Still Pray Facebook group for further discussion. If you are married and not part of our Wives Still Pray Facebook group, you can join by clicking here > Wives Still Pray Facebook Group
Again Happy New Year and we pray that you will join us on this journey, we look forward to what 2019 has in store!
Blessings To You & Yours!