Exciting News! October Guest Blogger - Debra D. Jones
We are very excited to bring you our very first guest blogger! There was always a vision to have guest bloggers on our site to offer our readers additional exposure to other Christian leaders we admire and also follow on social media and have had personal interaction. For the next several months we will introduce you to some amazing Christian leaders. Our first guest blogger for the month of October is Debra D. Jones. Each guest was asked a specific set of questions and have provided their responses. We hope and pray the message that is being delivered by each guest blogger blesses and inspires you in some way.
Also, we are still donating 40% of all Prayer Journal purchases to the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. If you have not purchased your prayer journal, you may still do so here: Adult Prayer Journals and Children's Prayer Journals. Don’t forget, you can also join the discussion in our Facebook Group: TheFabricBeautique
Welcome Debra D. Jones!
First, can you tell us a little about yourself and what started your mission and vision for your business or ministry?
I am a minister of the Gospel of Christ and a corporate trainer. My mission and vision for ministry are closely intertwined. They were started because I was called to proclaim the Word of God. I am commissioned to motivate others to live a fulfilled life in Christ through strategic bible based prayer. In the business industry, I was inspired to launch as an entrepreneur to share my expertise through business consulting and corporate training.
What does “Ministry Starts In The Home” mean to you?
In its simplest form, it means that my gifts should be used and cultivated in and outside my home/closest inner circle. The place that provides comfort and refuge for me should not be an uncomfortable place to be used by God.
Tell us about your business or ministry and how you incorporate this mission in your business or ministry and everyday life?
I am a speaker who travels to share the Gospel, provide business solutions as well as corporate training. I have been welcomed in both faith-based arenas and business circles alike. My book “How to Pray When You Don’t Have Time: A Devotional” and my Time Management Master class help busy people maximize their relationship with God and their daily productivity.
Where can our readers find you? Do you have any particular events or promotions coming up that we should be aware?
I can be found on social media for Instagram, Periscope, Facebook and Twitter @debradjones. My periscope broadcast, “Can You Pray 5 Minutes?” airs on Periscope. My web address is www.DebraDJones.com
Debra, On behalf of The Fabric Beautique® team thank you again for agreeing to be our guest this month. Again, please follow Debra on social media and reach out to her if you have any additional questions.