Introducing Roma Daniel Owner of 'Wear Your Praise' - November Guest Blogger
We are very excited to bring you our guest blogger for November, Roma Daniel, Owner of 'Wear Your Praise'! If you recall last month, I shared the vision to have guest bloggers on our site to offer our readers additional exposure to other Christian leaders we admire and also follow on social media and have had personal interaction. Each guest was asked a specific set of questions and have provided their responses. We hope and pray the message that is being delivered by each guest blogger blesses and inspires you in some way.
Also, we are still donating 40% of all Prayer Journal purchases to the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. If you have not purchased your prayer journal, you may still do so here: Adult Prayer Journals and Children's Prayer Journals. Don’t forget, you can also join the discussion in our Facebook Group: TheFabricBeautique
Welcome Roma Daniel!
First, can you tell us a little about yourself and what started your mission and vision for your business or ministry?
I am a native of NYC. I've been married for 20 years and am the mother of 3 girls and 1 boy. I'm an encourager, a worshipper just a down to earth Christian woman with a calling to utilize my life in a way that's pleasing to the Lord. In November of 2015 after being laid off my job of 14 1/2 years the Lord led me into Christian Entrepreneurship and WearYourPraise Apparel was born. Our aim is to inspire, encourage and share God's word through faith, hope, love, and fashion.
What does “Ministry Starts In The Home” mean to you?
When I think of the phrase "Ministry Starts In The Home" I immediately think of the Proverbs 31 Woman. Even though at times her work called for her to serve outside of the home, her true loyalties were to God and her family. As a wife and a mother its so important that I understand my responsibility not only as a provider but as a nurturer. Everything my children learn will stem from the example provided for them at home. Teaching them how to develop a relationship with God, how to pray, how to study the word, to love and live their lives in a manner which is pleasing to the Lord all starts at home. My daughters will one day become wives and my son a husband, they will be able to mirror the example of love that my husband and I have shown them.
Tell us about your business or ministry and how you incorporate this mission in your business or ministry and everyday life?
The truth is we live in a world where so many are willing to profess their love of God privately but not publicly. As a believer, it's my heart’s mission to encourage others to share their faith in Christ with absolute confidence. We must be completely open and unashamed. Matthew 10:33 reads "but the one who denies and rejects Me before men, that one I will also deny and reject before My Father who is in heaven." Through my ministry, I challenge myself daily to share the word of God whether it's via email, social media, through my line of Christian apparel or by face to face conversation. The saying is very true we are the only Bible some people will ever read and the only Jesus they will ever see, therefore how we carry ourselves as Christians is so important.
Where can our readers find you? Do you have any particular events or promotions coming up that we should be aware?
I can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pintrest@Wearyourpraise. You can also visit our website and join our mailing list to receive updates on events and upcoming promotions.
Roma, On behalf of The Fabric Beautique® team thank you again for agreeing to be our guest this month. Again, please follow 'Wear Your Praise' on social media and reach out to her if you have any additional questions.